Season 8

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Revision as of 13:00, 11 March 2025 by Zmeja (talk | contribs) (Added some Season 8 data)


John Borno's (April 1st) teaser to season 8

Season 8 is the last Season in Ashes of Phoenix.

Launch date was 20.04.2024. The season was a Vietnam style of season.

New additions:
- Fixed HotkeysConfig.exe and added all new Hotkeys for easier modification of Hotkeys.
- New Pipboy menu where some configurations can be easily changed in real time.
- A new throwable Trap (Caltrops)
- Overhauled Weapon Modification System. Weapon Mods
- Overhauled Anomalous Zones
- Added interactable slot machines throughout the core. You can now use pre-war money to gamble!
- Era 3 weapon crafts now require a special part, these parts can be found in the same places corrupted Blueprints were found.
- New pool of Heroic weapons - those that were used in the Vietnam war. A list of these weapons can be found here.
- Change to how Zone Control is started.
- New UI element to show the heat of surrounding areas.
- A LOT of new gun sounds. Seriously. A lot.
- Rumours of a new type of beverage have been going throughout the core. People say it is the new shit. Completely overloading your senses.
- Crafting sounds are now not map-wide anymore and instead positional like gun-fire. In addition to that the sounds itself are new.
- Item usage sounds are now not map-wide anymore and instead positional like gun-fire. You can now hear your friend gulping down that tasty Nuka Cola drink!
- Sound overhaul for resources gathering like mining/chopping wood
- Water - you can cross water with your character, but he will slow down while doing so. When you exit the water, you will slowly regain your full running-speed again.
- Bushes - you can now hide in bushes, only those close to you will be able to see you.
- More environmental sounds Unconfirmed!!

Remember the one and only rule. Never trust John Porno

Another John Borno's (April 1st) teaser to Season 8


With the conclusion of this Season 8, some interesting stats for you all to examine:

The stats below only account for the active build of each account. Thus, all (non-active) builds are NOT taken into consideration! Counted is every account, even Level 1 accounts!

Male Accounts 202
Female Accounts 44
Traits Times taken
Small Frame 93
Fast Shot 75
Fast Metabolism 62
Heavy Handed 44
Skilled 32
Gifted 30
Drug Dealer 30
Four Eyes 26
Bruiser 23
Dead Man Walking 16
Finesse 10
Kamikaze 10
Lizard Limbs 8
Blind Luck 5