How to make a good build

From AoP Wiki
Revision as of 14:19, 16 April 2024 by Zmeja (talk | contribs) (Added headlines)
Unofficial Information
Guides are almost always a work of personal opinions and thus results may differ. Information provided by this page are mostly filled with (usually) experienced player's opinions and can thus contain different kinds of biases and errors. Try to make your own picture of the ratings given to various mechanics.


A good build is what every Ashes of Phoenix player strives for, yet no-one can do.

Before we begin talking about the more detailed factors of building a character, I need to say a few things right away.

First of all - unlike other projects, Stats and Perks on AoP are fairly balanced. There are almost never must-have perks, neither are there perks that are outright extremely bad. In general - if you like the sound of a perk and intend to use it - take it. Your character will not be that much worse, but you will get valuable insight in whether or not your choice was good. Remember, you get free rerolls from time to time, as well as have multiple build-slots to toy around with.

Second of all - builds are only good in what they try to achieve. That means, you will never be able to make a build that can withstand every risk. This begins with the simple fact that we have 4-5 different Critical Resistances stats, and you can not max out each and every one of them. Sooner or later you will run into the issue, that your build will need a weakness. You need to know that weakness and try to limit enemies potential abusing it - but you will never be able to remove it. Also - by tagging a weapon skill - you will automatically be less efficient with other weapons. A "Do all, be all" type of build is extremely unlikely, if not impossible.

Last but not least - As it stands right now, there are no meta-builds. At all. Even the very same class can have widely different builds attached to them. So always take someone's build with a grain of salt. It might work for them - but that doesn't mean it will work for you.

The Basics

TODO: Expand