Sight Range

Every character has a specific maximum View Distance they can look. This parameter is changed by a lot of variables. Perks, Traits, Time of day, Weapon with scopes, drugs, temporary Status Effects and so on. A character can always look farthest in the direction they are facing, with less and less vision the further away their facing-distance from the point of interest is.
With the game build in a hexagonical shape, the degrees our character can look/walk towards are split up in 60 degrees. As seen in the picture, the character can look forward the most. His forward-sides, a little less so. His backwards sides, even less, with his back, having the least amount of vision. You can move the character one space backwards, or simply use the keybind (Default: Middle Mouse Button), to change the facing of your character to a specific point.
A lot, but not all obstacles, block vision. The image shows an obstacle on the upper side, which blocks our vision behind it. Windows, open doors, as well as most low to the ground obstacles like smaller cars or junk on the floor can be looked over. They might even add [Cover], if big enough to do so, yet small enough to allow vision. Windows are a perfect example of obstacle, that blocks movement, but not sight, and gives the person standing directly at a window a Cover advantage from people shooting him through said window.