Season 8

Season 8 is the next upcoming Season in Ashes of Phoenix.
Launch date is 20.04.2024. The season will be a Vietnam style of season.
New additions:
- Fixed HotkeysConfig.exe and added all new Hotkeys for easier modification of Hotkeys.
- New Pipboy menu where some configurations can be easily changed in real time.
- A new throwable Trap (Caltrops)
- Overhauled Weapon Modification System. Weapon Mods
- Overhauled Anomalous Zones
- Added interactable slot machines throughout the core. You can now use pre-war money to gamble!
- Era 3 weapon crafts now require a special part, these parts can be found in the same places corrupted Blueprints were found.
- New pool of heroic weapons - not instead of cold-war weapons, those weapons used in the Vietnam war will be heroic.
- Change to how Zone Control is started.
- New UI element to show the heat of surrounding areas.
- Water - you can cross water with your character, but he will slow down while doing so. When you exit the water, you will slowly regain your full running-speed again.
- Bushes - you can now hide in bushes, only those close to you will be able to see you.
Remember the one and only rule. Never trust John Porno