From AoP Wiki

Luck is the seventh, and thus last of the seven Specials a character can have a set amount of points in. Luck is important, if you want a higher Base Crit Chance, Aimed Crit Chance, Bleed Resistance and Armor Class. It also lessens the severity of Armor Bypasses against you, and is overall important to resist Critical Strikes from enemies in general.
Each point of Luck adds
- In-between +6% and +1% Armor Bypass Strength Resistance. More at lower levels, less at higher levels.
- +1 Base Critical Chance (And thus +1 Aimed Critical Chance)
- In-between +9% and +1% Aimed Critical Chance. More at lower levels, less at higher levels. (Effectively +10 to +2)
- Some Bleed Resistance
- In-between +6% and +3% Critical Resistance. More at lower levels, less at higher levels.
Additionally, each point of Luck raises the starting values of ALL primary and secondary Skills by one:
- +1% Small Guns
- +1% Big Guns
- +1% Energy Guns
- +1% Close Combat
- +1% Throwing
- +1% Traps
- +1% First Aid
- +1% Doctor
- +1% Sneak
- +1% Leadership