
Sneak is a possible secondary Skill you can level up during gameplay. It also has an active component to it. Using the Skill while having the appropriate gadged in your inventory allows your character to become invisible.
It's starting value is:
Being a secondary skill, it can be leveled up to 200%.
Each % decreases the distance you can be spotted when in Sneak. You can not Sneak when you have less then 100%. In addition to that, you are required to have one of three types of Stealth Boys equipped, or an early-game available Camo Netting, in order to Sneak.
Sneak Mechanics
Once your character has at least 100% in Sneak, a tool that allows you to do so, as well as not too much weight on your character, you can go into Sneak. Once you enter Sneak, depending on the tool used, you will start out with a value, which dictates how far away you can be spotted from a character that has the maximum Sight Range of 100 Hex. This means, that a character with 70 Hex of Sight Range, would only see you up to 70% of the value the game assigns to you. In order to see how far away the range you can be spotted at is, you can hit the Vision keybind until you see a blue line surrounding your character. This is the line someone with 100 Sight Range can spot you at, aka the worst-case scenario. Most characters will not see you even then and require to be even closer to you.
You will notice that positioning, as well as movement will change this dynamic line. Being close to a wall as well as standing still will decrease the range you can be spotted at, while fast movement in open spaces will make you nearly fully visible to anyone looking in your direction. As a sneaker, it is important to learn the balance of when to run, when to walk and when to find a hiding spot next to a wall.