Thermobaric Rocket

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Revision as of 14:23, 24 February 2025 by Zmeja (talk | contribs) (Created Ammo)
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Thermobaric Rocket is a possible Ammo a weapon can be loaded with.

Thermobaric Rocket
Tier 9
This rocket uses a special fuel as its explosive ingredient and is able to create a much stronger shockwave than convential explosives could.
Damage Resistance Mod 10%
Damage Threshold Mod 0%
Radius 3 Hex
Bleed Strength {{{Weapon_BleedStr}}}%
Explode Damage 150 %
Error Damage %
Subshots {{{Ammo_SubShots}}}x
Ammo Spread {{{Weapon_Spread_0}}}
ID: 290
Weight: 1453g