
From AoP Wiki
Meta Information
Information provided by this page are mostly filled with (usually) experienced player's opinions and can thus contain different kinds of biases and errors. Try to make your own picture of the ratings given to various mechanics.


Over the course of many years and many seasons, the general consensus of players has made specific playstyles and/or builds very viable. The classes here are technically not set in stone and more-so the interpretation of each player, but generally represent what people tend to play or think of when someone says they play a Sniper, or a Medic. You are assigned a role, since playing your class has strong benefits of being specialized and very strong in the role you fulfill. Thus a Medic will usually be expected to heal others, simply because due to his Special-stats Perks, Traits and Skills he is very effective in doing so. While a Sniper will usually try to stay on range and use weapons that can critically hit.

Pages in category "Classes"

The following 6 pages are in this category, out of 6 total.