
From AoP Wiki

Fire is a Hex flag that can occupy one or (in most cases) multiple hexes. Fire is immediately visible due to the tiles being covered in fire sprites where there is fire.

Fire can be applied to the map by either throwing various kind of Grenades, special Fire Ammunition, or Flamethrowers.

When applying Fire, the Fire starts at the impact and quickly disperses to the surrounding area - unlike smoke, fire disperses randomly and unecenly around the source.

Fire does periodic damage for everyone standing inside of it. Thus - it is a good tool to flush out enemies or block positions from being taken. In essence an area denial tool.

The damage intervals are every secondNeed Confirmation. Fire behaves correctly in that the damage and the kill is credited to the one who threw (or applied) the fire.

You can douse fire with explosives, though only specific explosives are able to do so. (High tier Rocket Launchers and one or two special grenades)