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H&K CAWS is a possible Weapon your character can equip.

Tier 0
Small Guns
The CAWS, short for Close Assault Weapons System, shotgun is a useful tool for close-range combat. The bullpup layout gives the weapon a short, easily handleable, length while still retaining enough barrel length for its high velocity shells.
Strength RequirementMinimum amount of Strength required to wield the weapon without any negative effects. A weapon can still be wielded even if the character has less then the required amount of strength but will result in a reduced effective range. 6
ClipsizeAmount of ammunition inside the weapons magazine. 10
Reload AP CostThe AP cost to do the reload action once. Reloading while not having enough AP will still reload the weapon but put you into negative AP, making any kind of action impossible (Movement included!) until you regenerate to over 0 AP. 50 AP
Weapon Aim TimeThe default amount of miliseconds your character has to 'aim' onto an enemy character before a shot can be issued. This time can vary if you intend to shoot onto a specific body part. {{{Weapon_AimTime}}} ms
AttacksAll Attacks a weapon can do. If a weapon has multiple attacks, they can be switched in-between each other as you wish.
Attack 1
DamageMinimum and Maximum amount of base damage this weapon can do. 80-90
DamagetypeThe type of damage done by this weapon - not factoring in further damage type modifications by Ammo Normal Damage
RoundsAmount of bullets fired. 1
AP CostAP Cost to fire. Not having enough AP to fire will cause the character to queue an attack command until it has enough AP to do so. 20 AP
RangeMaximum range to which the bullets fly to. They will most likely have very poor hit-chance at this distance however. With a maxed out weapon skill for this weapon your effective range (95% hit chance without aiming) will be around 2/3rd of this range. 40 Hex
Fire RateThe default amount of miliseconds you need to wait until you can issue another command, be it movement, or another attack. 600 ms
InaccuracyA flat value to your hit-chance calculation. Note, a positive value will reduce your hit-chance, while a negative value will actually improve it! (Since this is an Inaccuracy value) 0
SpreadSpread value of this weapon. The higher this value, the more this weapon spreads when burst/full-auto firing. (The cone you see when pressing Ctrl will widen with a higher value of this number, and tighten with a lower number) 11
One-HexThe percentage of bullets that can maximally hit when you stand directly next to a target. The math behind this is a bit more complicated however and should only be used as direct comparison in-between weapons. (Higher = better for close combat) 85 %
Attack 2
Damage 80-90
Damagetype Normal Damage
RoundsAmount of bullets fired. 3
AP CostAP Cost to fire. Not having enough AP to fire will cause the character to queue an attack command until it has enough AP to do so. 65 AP
RangeMaximum range to which the bullets fly to. They will most likely have very poor hit-chance at this distance however. With a maxed out weapon skill for this weapon your effective range (95% hit chance without aiming) will be around 2/3rd of this range. 40 Hex
Fire RateThe default amount of miliseconds you need to wait until you can issue another command, be it movement, or another attack. 800 ms
InaccuracyA flat value to your hit-chance calculation. Note, a positive value will reduce your hit-chance, while a negative value will actually improve it! (Since this is an Inaccuracy value) 0
SpreadSpread value of this weapon. The higher this value, the more this weapon spreads when burst/full-auto firing. (The cone you see when pressing Ctrl will widen with a higher value of this number, and tighten with a lower number) 15
One-HexThe percentage of bullets that can maximally hit when you stand directly next to a target. The math behind this is a bit more complicated however and should only be used as direct comparison in-between weapons. (Higher = better for close combat) 85 %
ID: 19810
WeightThe weight of the weapon without any ammo loaded.: 3800g
Weapon TraitsWeapon Traits are always active.
Knockback +20% chance to Knockback target.
Partial Reload Spend less AP on your reload, proportionally to how much ammo is missing.
Knockback +20% chance to Knockback target.
SkillWeapon PerksWeapon Perks are only active if you have reached the necesarry skill level of the weapon perk.
150Bonus Damage +5% damage
175Faster Reload -20% AP cost for reloading
200Bonus Rate of Fire -5% AP cost for shooting
225Faster Reload -20% AP cost for reloading
250Bonus Damage +5% damage

Useable Ammo